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- <text id=92TT0496>
- <title>
- Mar. 09, 1992: Crime:Childhood's End
- </title>
- <history>
- TIME--The Weekly Newsmagazine--1992
- Mar. 09, 1992 Fighting the Backlash Against Feminism
- </history>
- <article>
- <source>Time Magazine</source>
- <hdr>
- NATION, Page 22
- Childhood's End
- </hdr><body>
- <p>Tutored in casual violence, teens now settle grudges with guns.
- A double murder in a Brooklyn school is the latest lesson in
- mortality.
- </p>
- <p>By Lance Morrow--Reported by Sophfronia Scott Gregory and
- Priscilla Painton/New York
- </p>
- <p> In Slaughterhouse-Five, Kurt Vonnegut had a fantasy that
- time and gravity could be reversed, and that the bombs rained
- down upon Europe in World War II could reassemble themselves.
- The billions of blasted fragments would magically recombine,
- rescinding the destruction they had done. The bombs, made whole
- again, would float up into the bomb bays of the planes that had
- dropped them, and the planes would fly backward, back home,
- where the bombs would be disassembled and all their metals and
- explosive powders redeposited in the earth so they would be
- harmless and all the death would be repealed.
- </p>
- <p> If reality went in for such special effects, some grace
- might try to freeze in midair the bullets blazing around America--might slide them back up the gun barrels they came from, and
- then might drop the guns, especially the guns American youths
- are using to kill each other, into someplace like the Mindanao
- Deep.
- </p>
- <p> But that is metaphysics of a sentimental kind. The bullets
- remain in the bodies, and the dead stay dead. James Sinkler was
- trying to impress that raw fact upon his younger brother Tyrone,
- who was 16 years old. "I told him last week. I told him the
- week before," James Sinkler says. "Life is not like the movies.
- When you die, you don't come back. Life is so precious."
- </p>
- <p> On the day last week that Tyrone Sinkler and his friend
- Ian Moore, 17, were shot to death in a corridor of their
- Brooklyn high school, New York City Mayor David Dinkins was on
- his way to lecture the students about self-esteem. The mayor
- would speak under a banner bearing some words of Martin Luther
- King Jr.: "The choice today is not between violence and
- nonviolence. It is either nonviolence or nonexistence." It was
- a gun, of course, that dispatched Martin Luther King to
- nonexistence nearly 24 years ago.
- </p>
- <p> Tyrone Sinkler and Ian Moore were standing in a hall of
- Thomas Jefferson High School, not far from the mayor's security
- detail. Another student, named Khalil Sumpter, who is 15,
- allegedly pulled out a .38-cal. revolver and shot Tyrone and Ian
- at point-blank range. Sumpter had apparently had fistfights with
- the other boys for weeks. All three had arrest records for
- robbery and mugging.
- </p>
- <p> Thomas Jefferson High is a stolid red-orange-brick block
- of building set down in an East New York neighborhood of
- boarded-up row houses. In the past four years, 70 students have
- been killed, shot, stabbed or permanently injured on the school
- grounds. According to a report prepared for the New York state
- assembly and quoted by the New York Daily News, 50% of the 1,900
- students have some kind of puncture wound on their body at any
- given time. "T.J." has a "grieving room," where the students can
- seek peace and quiet and counseling when these things happen.
- The school maintains a burial fund to help families with the
- expenses.
- </p>
- <p> America has always had a gun culture. Now gun violence has
- metastasized in a new way among the young. The gun becomes
- neighborhood logic, rite of passage, administrator, avenger,
- instrument of impulse and rough justice. When guns reach
- critical mass, they take on a malignant life of their own.
- </p>
- <p> Gun violence is spreading like AIDS, not just in New York
- City but in Los Angeles and Houston and Boston and other cities
- as well. In the past four years, arrests for homicides among
- juveniles have gone up 93%, compared with a 16% increase among
- adults. The children of the baby boomers are arriving at the
- crime-prone teen years, and too many of them are packing
- firearms. Criminologists predict more increases in homicides in
- the next few years.
- </p>
- <p> Why? Guns, above all--their availability, their
- seductiveness. They become a fetish of manhood and power in a
- world that has given the young neither self-discipline nor much
- to hope for. Children have trouble expressing themselves. Guns
- are definitively articulate.
- </p>
- <p> Absurdly easy to buy, guns become a teenage consumer's
- accessory--a Raven P-25 pistol or a Smith & Wesson .38, like
- the one Sumpter allegedly used. That gun was stolen from the car
- of a campus police officer in New Jersey, police said. "Around
- here," James Sinkler says, "kids carry guns like other people
- carry cigarettes." Taking a life in medieval England was the
- King's prerogative. Now every kid's a king.
- </p>
- <p> A drug dealer needs a beeper and a gun. Kids who are not
- actually dealers pack a gun to pretend that they are. A gun
- makes a man-child dangerous and commands respect. As the cartoon
- figure He-Man says, "I have the power!" A firefight may be set
- off by a drug turf war or, as with Tyrone and Ian, some lesser
- thing. Children kill children over earrings and jackets and
- tennis shoes.
- </p>
- <p> Guns have a sort of irresistible black magic about them.
- A good gun has such lovely heft, a densely sinister weight in
- the hand. The brain is wired to the trigger finger and fires on
- impulse. The finger twitches, and--blam!--the life across
- a distance--poof!--disintegrates: an existence powdered. The
- finger did it on a whim. The desacralization of life, a society
- of emotional disconnection: killing is a kind of dream-sequence
- video. Conscience is disconnected from trigger finger. Child is
- disconnected from future. Bullet is disconnected from gun muzzle
- and, once fired, can never be recalled.
- </p>
- </body></article>
- </text>